Technological Nourishment

Computing tips? Perhaps... Programming and Web Design? I'll certainly try...

Monday, May 29, 2006

iTrip ban

I don't know why this has been receiving much interest of late because it seems like everything that is being claimed to have been said by Ofcom has been in their FAQ's for a long time now!

A little late on the news here - but relevant to my previous post's concerns - is the update on the situation with iTrips (and similar devices) currently being banned in the UK. According to Trusted Reviews (and also confirmed by Ofcom's FAQ pages for iTrips and FM devices) there is current work underway to standardise some form of the iTrip so that everyone agrees that its not posing too much of a threat to a fellow Radio user sitting in the room or car next door.

Unfortunately it doesn't look like it will be happening for a while - so for now all you illegal users had better hope that the next cop car pulling up next to you isn't listening to white noise on an untuned radio!


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